Notes to Contributors

Scope of the Journal
Library and Information Perspectives and Research is an open access journal also published in print. It
publishes scholarly theoretical and empirical articles in the following and related areas:
- Librarianship
- Information science
- Archives and records management
- Knowledge and information management
- Personnel and leadership in the profession
- Reading and information literacy
- ICTs
- Library and information education
- New media and services
- Social media
- Library and information resources, services, facilities and infrastructure
- Acquisition
- Oganisation of knowledge
- Web technologies
- Publishing
- User studies

- Etc.

Manuscript Submission
Manuscript submitted should be original and not under consideration for publication nor have been published in any other journal. It should be submitted in MSWord format via the online submission system of the journal and should be prepared in accordance with guidelines for authors.

The journal welcomes papers covering original research, reviews, guidelines, editorial, opinion and commentary, case reports. Submitted manuscript shall have a maximum length of 6,000 words, which includes title, author(s) and affiliations, abstract, and references list.

Manuscript must be written in English.
The content of journal is freely accessible online for anyone to read and re-use without the need to pay a subscription fee.

Peer review
All manuscripts submitted to this journal undergo blind peer review to ensure quality. At least two review reports per manuscript will be collected before decision on publication will be taken by the Editor.

Plagiarism policy: The journal does not support the use of the author or other’s intellectual property without acknowledging it. Any published paper discovered to have plagiarism issues will be retracted from the journal site.

The journal content is freely accessible for anyone to read and re-use without the need to pay a subscription fee.

Frequency:  The journal is published twice a year.

Structure of the manuscript
The submitted manuscript should have the following components:

Title: The title should be specific, clear and mirrors the content of the manuscript and should not exceed 21 words
Author(s) and Affiliations: Name(s) (surname last) of the author(s), position, institutional affiliation, e-mail should be included.                                                            
Abstract: There should be an informative abstract. It should state the purpose of the work,methods (design, population and study setting, sample, data collection instruments, methods and analysis) results, discussion, implications, key conclusion and recommendations.

Key words: Include 6-8 keywords arranged alphabetically

Introduction: The introduction should spell out the scope, context and what to expect for the paper. It should begin with general information on the topic and progress to specific. The author should define and explain relevant concepts that are germane to the understanding of the paper. Related theoretical and empirical literature should be cited. Gap in existing research which the study will fill should be identified. Research question or problem and should be formulated and hypothesis tested should be stated, especially for research paper. The last sentence of the introduction should highlight the layout of the remaining part of the paper.

Methods: The methods and procedures adopted in the research should be clearly described and explained. Detailed information on the research design, population, sample and sampling techniques, data collection instruments and methods, methods of data analysis and presentation should be provided.

Results and discussion: The finding derived from the methods and procedures are reported in this section using tables and figures. The results should be presented logically according to the research questions and hypotheses. Tables and figures must be numbered independently. Arabic numerals should be  used for labelling of Tables (e.g. Table 1: Factors militating against adoption of social media) and should appear on top of the table, while Roman numerals should be used for Figures (e.g.Figure I: Factors  militating against adoption of social media) and should appear under the figure.   Authors should make reference to tables and figures that have been included in this section of the paper.The results should be interpreted, explained and evaluated accordingly. Relevant literature should be cited to corroborate or otherwise of the findings. The results and discussion should be done together.

Conclusion: The author should summarise key findings of the research in the light of earlier stated purpose. The conclusion should state the important contribution the research/paper has made to knowledge and make recommendations which should be derived from key findings for practice, policy and further research.

Acknowledgements:  This is a credits section where the authors should express gratitude to persons and organisations that assisted with the research or preparation of the paper.

References: Sources cited should be complete and in line with the 6th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style. They should contain full bibliographic details and journal titles should not be abbreviated. For multiple citations for the same author in the same year, use a, b, c immediately following year of publication. Reference in the body of the text should be made by citing the authors surname and year of publication (e.g. Johnson, 2004). At the end of the manuscript should be a reference list arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the authors. Book and journal titles should be italicized. (Quick guide on APA style can be can be found at

Endnotes and footnotes are not allowed.

Additional information about the journal including online submission can be found at the journal site: and information perspectives and research

Publication Charges: International authors: USD 150; Nigerian authors:  Paper review - N5, 000. 00; Publication fee for accepted paper – N35,000.00

All editorial correspondences to: